Divinyls Wannabe album
Super Long-ass Download time (but the real Christina)

Here, I've included some of the less beautiful photos of Christina I could find, or at least the ones where her hair looks close to the way mine turned out.


I can't believe I posed like this | B & W | not enough socks | Super Long-ass Download time (but the real Christina) | More Long-ass Download

OK, so here's the real thing.
I managed to pick one where there's actually something you can compare it to

The REAL Chick From the Divinyls (how I introduced myself all night)


And another one
You can see why I went to the sock drawer to stuff my bra

Again, the real thing.

Ain't got the cleavage
oh well


Not the real thing

maybe I should have gone as Lydia Lunch.

Rick said my hair looked more like the lead singer (someone in the band, anyway) of The Muffs

Notice my pose doesn't vary a lot
even when I'm three sheets to the wind, I remember what my so-called good side is